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In light of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic and with respect to Manitoba Health guidelines, Grace & Company would like to advise our customers about current policies.

Since I have traveling in the US, I will therefore will be self-isolating until March 31. This will result in store hours being reduced to:


Also, for the foreseeable future, no cash will be accepted for purchases, just debit, credit and gift cards.

Grace and Company has always observed a very rigorous cleaning regimen that has included the use of UV light.

Customers wishing to can always phone in orders, shop online, or book a private shopping experience.

And don’t forget that washing your hands can be a joyful experience.  We have you covered when it comes to gentle yet effective personal and home hygiene.

For the time being, we hope you will stay safe, keep clean, and look out for one another.  

With care,

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