It feels like fall forgot to visit us here in Winnipeg. With the recent ice storm that affected so many people, we are hoping things will return to normal and we can start enjoying the upcoming holiday season.
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The colourful leaves on our trees in the city are my favourite sign fall has arrived. In my own yard I see my climbing Virginia creeper turn a beautiful hue of red. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I'm getting so excited to decorate my fall table with all of the natural beauty of the harvest season.
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Fall harvest is upon us here in the prairies: golden fields with combines and perky sunflowers are all I see when driving just outside the city. Fall suppers and festivities are just over the horizon, and it's time to start gathering and sharing all the goodness!
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A very big thank you to all who came out to our Grace & Co. Kids launch! We had a great turnout and lots of lovey feedback from all those who attended. Our collection was very well received and we sold quite a few items, with books being our biggest seller!
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